Saturday, May 23, 2009

Legal Aid solicitors and Complicity in Forced Adoption

The legal-aid solicitors, supposedly working on the behalf of the mother and father of the children taking into care, have so comprehensively failed in their role to act as legal advocates for their clients, that it must be interpreted as complicit involvement or tacit consent in the process of forced-adoption.

For what other reason would so many legal-aid family solicitors be willing to take on a case, that may last over a year or two years, only to guarantee that they would lose their clients case? The answer is, easy money.

My immediate advice to anybody who has had their children forcibly removed is to make sure you trust your solicitor. If you do not, then find a new one. If you do, then get them working for their £150-180 per hour!

Visit this webpage below to get a list of all the Social Services records on you and your case for release under the Freedom of Information Act:

I can not encourage you enough to keep on top of this. Do not cease asking your solicitor for this information. This could prove vital to your case e.g an internal email revealing a conspiracy or fabrication.

If your child(ren) are taking into care - interim care order/emergency protection order/supervision order - make sure you get your solicitor to file an application for appeal of the order. These orders granted by the magistrates can be challenged. It is unlikely that your legal-aid solicitor will do this for you; you must request this. If your solicitor refuses or attempts to tell you that it is not possible then find a new solicitor.

For example, there is a four week period between the granting of an interim order and its renewal by a magistrates judge. If this application for a renewal of the interim care order is not challenged then the Judge goes ahead and rubber stamps the application: the social services have just got another four weeks with your children! However, your solicitor can ,at any time during this four week period, apply for a revocation of the order. As above, I can not encourage you enough to do this.

Here is a Early Day Motion to the House of Commons by John Hemming MP

The practice of solicitors working as counterparts to the State sanctioned abduction of children has become so widespread and they are so complacent about it that John Hemming MP forwarded an EDM on it.

The solicitor in our case - who was being paid by the Local Authority - never thought that her work would be scrutinised beyond her client. Her conduct over the passed year has been, to say the least, wholly reprehensible. She failed in her duty to her client, and code of practice, to appeal against a single Interim Care Order; she failed entirely to recover information that her client requested under the Freedom of Information Act. She advised for eleven out of twelve months that the children would be adopted!!

What kind of pathetic-piece-of-trash-legal-advocate is she then?

Isn't it the most obvious type of 'conflict of interest' when a legal-aid family solicitor merely pretends to work for their client (delivered by the Local Authority through the Social Services) whilst being paid by the Local Authority and working on their paymasters behalf? In a democratic society, based on law & order, this is a betrayal of the highest order.

This is what John Hemming MP was trying to prevent!!

This is a "Ponzi-Scheme" where money and children are interchanged for profits and salaries, and the only losers are families and their children!!

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